Serving in Darwin & Perth

Understand Your NDIS Plan

Understand how NDIS budget work?

Three categories of support budgets are eligible for funding under the NDIS plan. The three types of support budgets are as follows:

Let’s get started:

Core Support Budget

Capacity Building Support Budget

Capital Support Budget

Let’s discuss each of the support budgets in brief:

1. Core Support Budget

 Core Support Budget helps you with your basic needs, with everyday activities increasingly challenging. This category is the most flexible in the NDIS plan. For example, if you need help with transport to and from appointments, the plan has funds for that. The core support budget includes the following four support categories:

  •  Support workers can help you get involved in church groups, community events, and social activities.
  •  You’ll get help with everyday tasks, like cooking and cleaning, or yard work, if you need it.
  •  You will be given support to help you with daily tasks, such as continence products or low-cost assistive technology and equipment.
  •  Support workers will help you with transportation as needed to assist you in meeting the goals outlined in your plan.

2. Capacity Building Support Budget

If you want to learn new skills that may help you pursue your goals, the NDIS Capacity Building Funds can help. These funds are separate from your core supports budget and cannot be moved from one support category to another. The capacity-building budget enables you to become more independent by allowing you to purchase supports that fall within the capacity-building categories.

There are nine categories in the capacity-building support budget:

  • Capacity building for people with disabilities and their families
  • Capacity building for providers of disability services
  • Capacity building for peak bodies representing people with disabilities and their families
  • Capacity building for peak bodies representing providers of disability services
  • Capacity building for employment service providers, employers, and other government agencies seeking to improve the employment outcomes of people with disability or health conditions
  • Capacity building for the community sector to provide or purchase services from or on behalf of people with disability or health conditions
  • Capacity building for businesses seeking to better engage with people with disability or health conditions
  • Improving the quality and effectiveness of NDIS plans through the use of digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning systems
  • Improving digital access to information on the NDIS by people with disabilities

3. Capital Support Budget

The capital support budget is a way to help you invest in assistive technology equipment or equipment related to your disability and house or vehicle modifications. There are two categories in which the capital support budget is divided. These are:

  • Equipment includes adaptive technology such as computers, software, and other devices that make it easier for you to complete tasks like reading emails or writing reports.
  • Modifications include ramps for people with mobility issues, handrails for people with limited strength, and devices that help people with trouble gripping objects due to their disability.

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