Serving in Darwin & Perth

Specialist Support Coordination

Specialist Support Coordination provides a higher level of assistance aimed at reducing complexity in a participant’s support network and tackling immediate or significant barriers in plan implementation. We concentrate on overcoming complex barriers that block access to support and create customised service plans to meet needs effectively. We also provide strategic guidance to ensure participants receive the necessary assistance to hit their goals.

We closely collaborate with participants to co-create personalised service plans, emphasising clear communication, proactive problem-solving, and ongoing support to ensure successful plan implementation and positive outcomes.

Key Advantages:

  • Facilitates sustained access to necessary support for long-term independence and well-being.
  • Empowers participants by providing strategic guidance and resources to navigate complex support environments effectively.
  • Promotes ongoing skill development and self-advocacy to achieve greater autonomy and resilience for long-term success in managing their support needs.

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